Blog Post

 Really High Expectations

  • By Kim Milberg
  • 22 Jul, 2018

Steps to Restoring Your Soul, Part 1

When going to a fire, a firefighter will have about 60 pounds of gear on. A combat soldier may carry that much weight, or more, with them in the field. I can only imagine what a huge relief it must be to finally take all that gear off, lightening their heavy load. Yet, as people, we seem to be unaware that we were never created to carry heavy emotional burdens. Instead of gear, we carry burdens such of unforgiveness, offense, anger, bitterness, judgement and hatred. Those emotions come up in our thoughts, and can be revealed in our words and actions. They often lead to physical issues with our gastrointestinal tract, our skin, as well as increase the risks of chronic diseases and even pull calcium out of our bones. Jesus, Himself, has said that He has carried all our burdens. I’m convinced that when we try to carry these burdens can magnify the symptoms of PTSD. And I’m convinced more and more that there is a strong link between getting rid of these burdens and healing from PTSD.

In today’s blog, I want to focus on the dangerous burden of a simple thing called being judgmental - what that actually means, and how to get it out of your life. Although not easy, doing this is simple, if you are willing to make the needed changes.

For starters, I’ll admit that in my 30 years of being a Christian, I have been uncertain as to what it truly means to be judgmental. But a few months ago, I was reading an article on judging a Saddle Seat Equitation horse show class when I realized something that I had never noticed before. Let me explain:

I used to take lessons at a local horseback riding barn from the time I was 7 until I turned 21. I was taught to ride in a discipline called Saddle Seat Equitation, where the rider, not the horse, is judged. 3 different Associations have all agreed upon specific standards they desire to see in equitation riders in order to maintain high standards in riders throughout the nation. These standards dictate how trainers teach their students, and criteria for winning a horse show.  

In Saddle Seat Equitation, the rider is judged on carrying themselves a certain way, and how well they control their horse. During each class in a horse show, the judge would usually be near the center of the arena, walking around and making positive or negative notes on each rider as they rode by. To find the winners in each class, the judge would determine which riders best met those pre-determined standards. Almost as important, each judge can compare one rider to another. Judges are also allowed to include their own personal preferences, (or expectations), as well as comparing one rider to another.

Lightbulb moment!

-Horse show judges go by pre-set standards - So does God. He created the laws, and He set the standards in the Ten Commandments as well as throughout the Bible. Because He made the laws, God is the only One qualified to judge. James 4:12 says: ‘There is One Lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy. Who are you to judge another?’ And Psalm 50:6 says: ‘Let the heavens declare His righteousness, For God Himself is Judge.’

-God is Judge, not us - He sees, not just the outside, but the inside, and that is something mere people can never do. Hebrews 4:12 says: ‘For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.’

-a horse show judge will include their own preferences or expectations, but we cannot - People tend to have expectations of how others should be, think, talk and/or act. When others don’t meet those expectations, it’s easy to judge them, seeing them as stupid, wasteful, not loyal, lazy, wrong, idiots, etc. But no matter what they have done, or not done, our opinion of them will always be wrong, because it will always be incomplete. Matthew 7:1-2 says: ‘“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.’

-The horse show judge compares one rider to another - God does not want us to compare. He created the standards, and it’s His job to judge us and He is a fair and merciful judge. Luke 9:46 Jesus overheard the disciples comparing one to another: ‘An argument arose among them as to which of them was the greatest. But Jesus, knowing the reasoning of their hearts, took a child and put him by his side and said to them, “Whoever receives this child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me receives him who sent me. For he who is least among you all is the one who is great.”

But wait! Theres more! I looked up the word ‘Judge’ in the Bible Dictionary to find the Biblical definition. ‘Judging’ means to: examine or investigate, to question and pass sentence, or to form an opinion. The word ‘Judgement’ denotes a separating, or to pronounce judgement upon someone, to assume the office of a judge, to take on the ability to pronounce a sentence upon.

So if judging separates people, which the definition indicates , then God hates it. Proverbs 6:16 gets right up in your face and says: ‘These six things the Lord hates,Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren.’ Discord leads to separation. Instead, God calls us to love one another. John 15:12, Jesus says: ‘This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.’ Our main mission is to love God. And so we know exactly what the pre-set standard is, God gives us the definition in 1Corinthians 13:4-8: ‘Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails.'

The Bible is a book of Covenants. A Covenant is an agreement between two or more people. We are currently in the days of the New Covenant, made when Jesus was crucified, died, and rose again. However, we are NOT held to the Covenants in the Old Testament, only to those in the New Testament. But God, because He is faithful, holds Himself to every Covenant He has ever made.  When we do things HIS way instead of ours, He has promised to restore our soul, to redeem us, to protect us, to bless us, to love us, etc.   Our part of the Covenant is to love, not just those who are in Covenant with us, but even to love our enemies. This can be difficult because God also told us to guard our heart. Remember, God never told us to trust people, He told us to trust Him and love people. Instead of judging, let God be God and stay focused on what He asked you to do.

Being judgmental is usually negative, but not always. If you find yourself saying things like:
*’you wouldn’t understand’
*’look at the ways she’s dressed, she’s got to be looking for some action”
*’did you hear what he said? What an idiot!’
*’she’s got it all together. Loving husband, great kids, and her house always looks perfect.’
*’they are so self-righteous!’
*’they’re just narrow-minded’
then you're probably being  judgmental. I didn’t think I was judgmental until I did this study. Phew!! I have a lot to change. But the good news? God is merciful. His mercies are new every morning for all of us.

But how do we change?? Glad you asked! One way is to remember the Polish Proverb ‘Not my circus, not my monkeys!’ In other words, if it isn’t directly your business, let it go.  Just remember the old Polish Proverb: 'Not my circus, Not my monkeys!'. And trust me, that takes a lot of practice. But if something really is your business, realize that your opinion doesn’t always have to be public. Instead, ignore the distractions, stay in your own swim lane and keep swimming! Focus on answers, not on problems.  And best of all, remember 1 Corinthians 13:4-8? Use that verse as a pre-set filter to what you both think and say, asking yourself:
*is it patient?
*is it kind?
*does it reveal me envying someone?
*is it boastful or proud?
*does it dishonor others?
*am I being self-seeking?
*am I being easily angered?
*am I keeping a record of other peoples wrongs that they’ve done to me?
*is it the truth?

And for the times that you do overstep your boundaries and sin, stand on,  pray, and be thankful for these verses to get you out of trouble:

*2Corinthians 7:10 ‘Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. See what this godly sorrow has produced in you: what earnestness, what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing, what concern, what readiness to see justice done.'

*1John 1:9 ‘If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.’

Don’t kid yourself, avoiding being judgmental and letting God be the Judge while we are walk in love is a tough battle.   We need to be vigilant, honest, and very real with ourselves.  Don't just blow it off if you see something that you did wrong.  Confess it - it draws the poison out of you - and don't just think that because it happened a long time ago that it doesn't matter anymore.  It does. And, no, don't spend time mulling it over, degrading yourself, beating yourself up over it.  God to God and confess it.  But as motivation, remember, God PROMISES that He will restore your soul - your mind, will, and emotions, if we do things HIS way. So please know that I will be fighting the same battle, right along side of you. And know that I have prayed for you and continue to do so: you are not here by accident!

By Kim Milberg July 6, 2020

With the quarantine behind us, we have all had the opportunity to attend other churches virtually.  And if you had the slightest bit of trepidation about the church you were attending in person in the pre-quarantine, this could be your perfect opportunity to check around online to see if there is somewhere else that better meets your needs.  But before you make that move, there are some important things to know so you don’t end up at a new church yet dealing with the same old problems.

My husband and I have been saved since 1987 and have attended only 6 different churches, so we are anything but 'church hoppers'. The times that we did leave and look for a different church, it was physically, spiritually, and emotionally painful, it was something that I quickly learned to dread.  Finding a new church might be painful, but it is nothing compared to attending a spiritually dead church, or worse, attending a good church and watch it die slowly.

So I encourage you to get pen and paper and write the answers to these questions down. Get real. Put your heart into this. A good church is worth the time and energy it takes to find it. A good church can help you grow, mature, have a better understanding of the Word of God and teach you how to pray. And good planning and being led by God’s spirit can help you to find a a great church without breaking your heart in the process.

Why Change?
The first and most important thing to consider is to identify why you want to leave your current church.

1. Has someone offended you?
2. Do you feel neglected?
3. Did you goof up/sin/embarrass yourself and you feel like no one likes you/wants you there anymore?
4. Do you feel invisible or neglected or ignored?
5. Is your church preaching the Word of God or the pastor’s opinions?
6. Is the pastor living what he’s preaching?
7. Is God prompting you to go?
8.  Are all your friends moving to a certain church?
9. What if you and your spouse like different churches? Is it okay to attend separately?
10.  Is there strife, bickering, gossiping, or back-biting at your church?

Write down ALL the reasons WHY you want to leave. Even if you’re not sure why, write down some possible answers. Sometimes writing, (since it stimulates a different part of the brain that typing on the computer), can help you to realize why you are wanting to leave.

Know that your church is not responsible for your total spiritual nutrition and growth . . it is YOURS. But know, also, that a good church can foster spiritual growth, but a bad church can shipwreck your faith!! Where you choose to go really is a BIG deal! Know, also, that trying different churches will post likely be way out of your comfort zone. This could be because you have strong neural networks built up in your brain about the good memories from your previous church, and none, if any, about the new church. So take your time, relax,  and know that you WILL find a new church.

Last, and most importantly, trust God’s leading . Let Him choose where HE wants you to go. Finding a church is so much bigger than you getting fed spiritually or finding a church that meets your needs!   It’s being planted in a place that needs the gifts that only you can bring.  

Asking God to put you where HE wants you is also for your brothers and sisters in Christ! I have a dear friend who felt compelled to leave her church. She felt very used and unsupported. Her and her husband prayed and they ended up at a church that was spiritually not as mature as we all thought she should attend, but she continued to minister through her huge heart full of God’s love. That was something that the new congregation had never experienced before. And and as she showed Gods love they fell in love with her! and began to show love and support to one another! The church grew both spiritually and numerically since her and her husband joined.

If . . .Then
I want to go back to the questions that I asked you in the Why section, because I have seen people, me included, just ignore them and end up at a church they feel and stuck in and regret ever attending.  

1. First of all, if you’re tempted to leave your current church because someone has offended you, then YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST DEAL WITH ANY AND ALL OFFENSE(S)!   Otherwise, you will take your easily-offended stinky attitude with you to the next church(es). Instead of holding on to that bitterness, hurt and blame, go to God. Tell Him in prayer about EVERYTHING that hurt or offended you. Then forgive. Confess your part in the offense if that applies. Is there anything you can do to make things right? If so, then do it. Then evaluate if you’re still feeling the pull to change churches. After that, spend the next few days/weeks/months praying for the person who offended you. Pray until you truly love that person. Then see if God is still leading you away from that church. A good book to read about the danger of being offended is entitled ‘The Bait of Satan’ by John Bevere.

2. Next, what if you’re feeling neglected, invisible, or ignored?  What if you aren’t feeling appreciated for all the time you spend volunteering? Sadly, I’ve been there. At a previous church, I volunteered to fill Welcome bags for first time guests. I homeschooled my kids at the time, and was desperate for adult companionship. The thought of being around church staff members where we could talk about Jesus seemed to be the absolute BEST!! So you can imagine how hurt I was when I came in to do the bags and one of the associate pastors told me that the bags were now being put in the storeroom and I could fill them back there, and ‘by the way, close the door, because its cold back there!’

So for 2 hours every Friday, I filled bags. Alone. In a cold store room. Many times I would cry from the sheer loneliness of knowing the people I longed to spend time with were just on the other side of the wall. But I knew that God was calling me to fill those bags. And every week, God would deal with my attitude, reminding me that I was there to serve HIM, not them, and that HE would keep me company. 

After a few Fridays, I started to pray as I filled the bags. I’d pray for the people who would be getting those bags and how God would use it to change lives. Every week it got easier to fill those bags until I began to look forward to it.   In this time of hurt, God taught me compassion.  He taught me to actively thank the people who I work with, who volunteer, and who lead.  And it was that very same church that God directed me to start a Military Ministry that ministered to up to 60 families!!! The point is, if you feel neglected, ignored, etc. first realize you are led by the Spirit of God, NOT by your emotions. Next know that you are there to serve GOD! Sometimes that means serving people too, but not always. Let God do His work in you! Seek God; don’t dare walk in self-pity!! It can also mean that God desires YOU to be the healing balm that is otherwise neglected in that specific church.  Ask Him what HE wants you to get out of this experience, and then be open to His teaching and leading. Read Hebrews 12:4.

3. Let’s approach the question about the very touchy subject of what to do if you or a family member have sinned: I had a dear friend who got offended by a staff member AND her son was selling drugs at church before youth group.  How in the world do you recover from something like that?  Leave?  Maybe.  Endure the icy stares every Sunday making it nearly unbearable to attend church?   My friend had to do some real soul-searching.  But she finally came to the realization that her family was not the star of the show, God was .

Church is where we go to get away from the world and re-focus on God.  We, by choice, make God the star.  But in a situation where you or a family member has sinned publicly, it it VITAL to go to God in prayer and  ask God if He will release you to look for another church.  He may, or He may have you just stick it out where you are.  No matter which it is, please take the time to pray for healing for everyone involved . Pray for total restoration for you and others, even if God calls you to leave. You also must realize that Ephesians 6:12 applies here: ‘For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.’

Being in church does not mean that you are immune to spiritual attacks from within the church. The church can truly be the enemy’s playground because the most harm can be done to many by wounding just a few. Many times, to stay even though you’ve been embarrassed or humiliated by something that you, or a family member have done, is one of the bravest, most healing, best things you can do. But you MUST be led by God, no matter if you leave or stay.

4-7. Next, what about the preaching. Is the pastor preaching the Word of God, or is he preaching his or other peoples’ opinions?  Does he take the Bible out of context?  If so, is it done often? Does he live what he preaches? And - this is important - does he tell cool stories, but they happened 10 or 20 years ago instead of recently?

We attended one church where the pastor had to work a second job to make ends meet, which gave him little time to study the Bible and prepare sermons. When he preached, it was from books other than they Bible, secular opinions and research and statistics. We watched our little church go from a growing and thriving place that was open anytime you needed to go and pray to a church that was dying before our eyes. It was horrible and literally painful to watch.

Because it was a small church, we invited him to dinner and politely asked about it.  He admitted that he was no longer in the Bible and it it saddened and surprised him to know that those in the pews could tell a difference. We offered any help he might need if it could free him up to study and better prepare. We closed out that evening feeling assured and hopeful that things would change. Instead things got worse. I wanted to leave and we asked God if we could.  Within 10 days, a friend invited me to a church that I had secretly wanted to go to for years. 

But one of the mistakes that I did make as we were leaving is not praying for the pastor. In retrospect, that that was a big mistake.  20 years later and that same little church was still struggling. In my opinion, and pertaining to what the Bible says, it is the Word of God honored, preached, taught, and carried out that gives a church light and life. When the word of God is given supreme authority, many other things will fall into place also.

8. On the subject of friends, when you have a close knit group of friends who you attend church with, it can be difficult when they start going somewhere else. Peer pressure is not just hard for kids to deal with. When we experienced this, I would go to God, and ask why they were leaving, and if we should leave, too. But when I thought about going somewhere else, it didn’t feel right. It felt foreign. According to Isaiah 55:12, we are to be led by God’s peace. If you have peace where you’re attending, then don’t leave. If you don’t have peace, ask God where He would like you to attend. The times that we have left a church, God would put the desire to leave in our heart long before He called us to actually walk out the doors and not go back and we always did our very best to leave on good terms with as many people as possible. We are brothers and sisters in Christ. It shouldn’t cause a break in fellowship for someone to go to a different church. If your friends have a right heart, they’ll support your decision. But if they are treating you badly because you haven’t left to go to church with them, then maybe it’s time to question the friendship. Matthew 16:26 asks ‘For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?’

9. What if you find a great church but your spouse doesn’t like it? What if it meets your needs, but not your spouses needs? Thats a difficult question and it is something you really need to seek God about. God delights in unity. the closest verse I could find on the issue is Matthew 18:19: ‘“Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” If you go to different churches and come back home and teach each other what you’ve learned with an open heart, that would be a great thing. But it is so easy to get competitive having a ‘my church is better than your church’ attitude that things could go off the rails quickly and it could cause strife between the two of you.

10. Lastly, and speaking of strife, if you are in a church where strife(bickering, arguing, back-biting) is not dealt with, then pray about leaving. Strife is poison. It can kill a church. It will cause a Christian to backslide and turn away from God. It can destroy a family and ruin a marriage. James 4:1, 1Timothy 6:4, 1Corinthians 3:3 and Romans 1:29 and 13:13 are some great verses about the dangers of strife. James 3:16 says that where there is envy and strife, and self-seeking, there is also confusion and every evil thing.’ Strife is also a barometer of other things going on. Leave None Behind Ministries also offers an in-depth teaching on strife and how to deal with it, which is entitled ‘ The Key’.

Now that we looked at some of the negatives, let’s look at what good things to look for in a church. Realize that you are an individual,  and your worship style, gifts, and personal preferences do come into play. So ask yourself:

-do you prefer a choir, or a praise and worship band?
-do you feel comfortable with dance in church, or are you against it?
-do you like a pastor who wears specific clothes to preach in? A suit? Or are jeans and a shirt okay?
-do you prefer a formal church or a spirit led service?
-do you prefer preaching that is topical or do you like it to be straight from the Bible, verse on verse?
-do you desire Sunday school classes?
-are you comfortable attending small groups in someones home?
-what are the volunteer opportunities?
-do you want a church that specifically support missionaries?
-do you prefer a small church or a large one?
-how many miles are you willing to drive or go to this new church?
-do you need a children’s program? What about a youth camp?
-do you want your children to be in church with you during service?
-are you uncomfortable if the pastor talks about money? Satan?
-are you comfortable in a church which is very evangelistic?
-do you desire to do street witnessing?
-what does this church do for the poor?
-how friendly are you and is this church? Is it a good match on that level? Are they huggers? Are you comfortable with that?
-how far away is the church?  'A church alive is worth the drive, but the farther the drive the less chance you might have to really get involved.
-are you comfortable if there are satellite churches attached to the main church?
Does the lead pastor preach most of the services or are there multiple pastors preaching each week?

I encourage you to write down your answers all these questions that I have posed to you. When we were searching there were some churches I knew 10 minutes into the service that it wouldn’t work for us. What surprised me is just how many churches that I felt completely at home in. That is part of being the body of Christ.  We are one.  We have, or share, one spirit. If the spirit of the Lord is at that particular church, you will feel comfortable there.  

The best next step is to listen to an online sermon. Enjoy each sermon as if it’s from your favorite pastor. Try not to be critical or defensive as you listen for the first time. Then consider giving each church a rating as simple as ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Then note all the churches you gave a yes to, and over the next weeks, listen to more sermons from those churches. When you have it narrowed down to just a few, consider - if you are able - to visit in person each of the churches.

When you go, be ready with any questions you might have. Can you talk one-on-one with the lead pastor, or do you need to talk to an Assistant pastor? My hubby and I never felt the need to, but I have friends who wouldn’t attend a church unless they could meet with the pastor first. Then, before you go all in, you might want to consider attending for a few weeks just to get the feel for the church. In the meantime, all along, be praying, asking and thanking God that He is placing you right where He wants you to serve.

If you do find a church that you absolutely love online, but it is in a different state or simply too far away to attend, great! Then continue to watch it online. But also find a LOCAL church to attend regularly and serve at. A church is a big investment in time, heart, and your family, too, but always remember that every church is led by imperfect people. Treat it as such, and trust God to lead youth the place HE has for you to go!

By Kim Milberg March 27, 2020
Find the 40 Scriptures that this woman stood on for healing for terminal cancer
By Kim Milberg January 22, 2020
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By Kim Milberg July 31, 2018
Being and staying offended can hinder both spiritual healing as well as emotional healing and also block healing from PTSD.
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By Kim Milberg June 17, 2018
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By Kim Milberg June 5, 2018
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By Kim Milberg April 18, 2018
For my first blog, I'll glance back and looking forward. In 2005, I see my oldest child, Alex, joining the Marines at only 18 years old. He proudly became an 0331 (machine gunner). By 2006 and 2007, he was deploying to western Iraq. He returned from his first deployment, loosing 6 of his buddies. And I hadn’t held up too well, which was noted when my dentist saw that I had fractured all my jaw teeth due to gritting my teeth from the stress of having my son in a foreign country fighting in a war that we had heard about on the car radio when we had been driving together.

Alex was honorably discharged in 2009 and returned to live with us for almost a year while he started on the g.i. program at Lindenwood University. During those nearly 5 years, I started Collection of Veterans Internet Support Sites. And I, along with my husband, was asked by our Pastor to start a Military Ministry at our church. I had the honor of becoming friends with several Marine snipers, an Air Force F-15 and F-22 pilot, Army Rangers, and several Purple Heart recipients and all their spouses. I was the least likely person to start the group, but I had the joy of leading it for 7 years before God called us to move on so I could start LNBM. The Military Ministry is still going strong (and I so love and miss everyone, especially during October when I think of all the fun we would have getting together in the driveway of our house for the Annual Chili Party and Cook-Off!)

During that time span between 2007 and 2013, I spent a lot of time praying for all of you who would eventually be a part of Leave None Behind Ministries. If you are reading this, please know that you are not here by accident; you are a result of hours of heartfelt prayer to the God who desires to help and restore you. I also spent a lot of time studying. I found that as I learned about the brain, that it was literally so exciting that I would have to take a break to call a friend and tell them what I was learning! Now I have the opportunity to share the fascinating info with all of you. And when I learned that the brain was now found to be ‘neuroplastic’, or changeable, I saw how that could apply to those with PTSD. But those concepts were just words in a book until I had the opportunity to apply what I was learning to my own life. I wont go into details now, but look for a blog later called ‘The Bunny Situation’. It was something really bad that happened that God used for good.

In 2010, when LNBM was first conceived, I got ahold of material about Blood Covenant. I had been a Christian for 23 years, but there was so much of the Bible that still just didn’t make sense. Sure, my husband and I had taught Sunday School and led home Bible studies and prayer groups, but there was still something that I just wasn’t getting. But one day, I heard a sermon about having strong faith. Tucked in that sermon among all the verses and facts and exhortation was something I heard loud and clear. I came home ordered old books and new cds from as many different authors as I could find on the topic of the Blood Covenant. And I can honestly say that I have been studying, pondering, or praying about the Blood Covenant every day since then. It has changed my walk with God, it has changed my marriage, and it has changed my life. Out of all that birthed the teaching called Covenant With A King, which is the cornerstone of this ministry.

For the future, Leave None Behind Ministries hopes to expand. It’s my hearts desire to do my teachings and speak publicly all over this great nation to our veterans and their spouses as well as First Responders. I have the possibility of offering my teachings to other organizations. And I have had it in the beginning stages of having a nationwide Veterans Networking Organization. I also have spent time dreaming of gathering many of the support organizations that I spotlight, as well as some others to come together in a small town in southern Missouri, and invite veterans to do a sort of one-stop shopping. They could get lots of help in one place. Sounds far-fetched, but I have appointments with a few people to talk more about it. Whatever happens, you’ll find it here first!

So thank you for stoping by and taking the time to read this blog. And remember, you are not here by accident!
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